Having now finished my small scale study into blogging, I'm really going to try and develop my blog a little more. One of my main tasks is to learn how to add some additional features, as well integrating more photos, videos and even podcasts.
The original focus for the blog is my MA in New Literacies and this will continue, but I am now interested in developing a work related blog and I need to decide whether to integrate it into this site or create a new blog !
Watch this space !
Well done Nick, I noticed that you have made remarkable strides in enhancing the whole outlook of your blog. I want to do the same and this new module will help us do just that. Although I have commended you on your research project on the board, I just want to once more congratulate you on the excellent work done. You did great and I have no doubt that you will continue. Just included a link on my blog.
Thanks Angelina ! I'll be keeping an eye on your blog too, to see how it develops !
ha ha that cartoon is hilarious. This is such a common typo for me!!
Yeah, I really like it when I saw it and thought it would be cool to add some cartoons into my blog. During a moment of distraction during my research i came across a site where you can create your own cartoons, which is just great ! But I haven't worked out how to cut and paste them into other documents or embed them into my blog, but I guess there must be a way. Check out http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/
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